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Former news anchor turned leader of a multimillion-dollar design firm, Katie's passion lies in uncovering brilliance and sharing design and business secrets. Her insatiable curiosity, honed in the media spotlight, fuels enlightening conversations on her podcast, offering a platform for wisdom-seeking design enthusiasts and aspiring entrepreneurs.

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Paralysis of Analysis: Starting An Interior Design Business

December 01, 20233 min read

Starting your own interior design business can be a thrilling and rewarding endeavor, but many aspiring entrepreneurs find themselves stuck in what I affectionately call "paralysis of analysis."

The fear of the unknown, the quest for perfection, and the overwhelming anticipation of failure can hinder even the most talented designers from taking the plunge. However, success often lies on the other side of fear, and it's time to let go of the paralysis, embrace imperfection, and be brave enough to dive into the deep end of entrepreneurship.

1. The Paralysis of Analysis

The paralysis of analysis refers to the state of overthinking and overanalyzing every aspect of a situation, leading to a stagnant state where decisions are delayed or avoided altogether. In the context of starting an interior design business, this might manifest as endless market research, perfectionism in business plans, and an unending quest for the "perfect" moment to launch.

2. Embrace Imperfection

One of the first steps to overcome analysis paralysis when starting an interior design business is to acknowledge that perfection is an illusion. Waiting for the perfect time, the perfect plan, or the perfect circumstances is a recipe for never starting at all. Our industry is a dynamic and creative field, and perfection is subjective. Accept that mistakes and imperfections are inevitable, but they are also valuable learning opportunities that can contribute to the growth and success of your business.

3. Fear: The Barrier to Progress In Starting Your Interior Design Business

Fear is a natural part of entrepreneurship, and acknowledging it is the first step towards conquering it. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, and fear of the unknown can paralyze even the most talented individuals. However, it's crucial to reframe fear as a natural part of the journey rather than an insurmountable obstacle.


Also, realize that failure is not the end but a steppingstone towards success. Many successful entrepreneurs have faced setbacks before achieving greatness. Use fear as a motivator rather than a deterrent. Understand that the challenges you face will shape your resilience and determination.

4. The Power of Action

The antidote to analysis paralysis is action. I repeat, the antidote to analysis paralysis is action!  Instead of endlessly planning and perfecting, start taking concrete steps towards launching your interior design business. Create a realistic timeline, set achievable goals, and break down the process into manageable tasks. Every small action moves you closer to your goal and builds momentum.  By taking action, you not only gain valuable experience but also build confidence. The initial steps may be intimidating, but the more you engage with the process, the more comfortable and skilled you become. As the saying goes, "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."

5. Be Brave and Dive In

Starting your own interior design business requires bravery. It's about being willing to face challenges head-on, knowing that mistakes are part of the learning process, and understanding that success comes to those who persevere. Trust your skills, embrace the journey, and be confident in your ability to navigate the deep waters of entrepreneurship.


In conclusion, overcoming the paralysis of analysis and launching your interior design business requires a shift in mindset. Embrace imperfection, acknowledge and confront fear, take meaningful action, and be brave enough to dive into the deep end of entrepreneurship. Remember, the journey may be challenging, but the rewards of running your own successful interior design firm are well worth the initial leap of faith. So, take a deep breath, trust in your abilities, and embark on the exciting adventure of building your own business.  You don’t have to do it alone and please reach out to book your private coaching session so we get you started on your journey! 

starting a business in interior design starting interior design business 
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