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Former news anchor turned leader of a multimillion-dollar design firm, Katie's passion lies in uncovering brilliance and sharing design and business secrets. Her insatiable curiosity, honed in the media spotlight, fuels enlightening conversations on her podcast, offering a platform for wisdom-seeking design enthusiasts and aspiring entrepreneurs.

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Avoiding Burnout and Staying Fresh: How to Thrive as an Interior Designer for the Long Haul

Avoiding Burnout and Staying Fresh: How to Thrive as an Interior Designer for the Long Haul

October 13, 20243 min read

Avoiding Burnout and Staying Fresh: How to Thrive as an Interior Designer for the Long Haul

As an interior designer, your creativity is your greatest asset, but it can also be your most fragile resource. Whether you’ve been running your firm for one year or twenty, the relentless pressure of deadlines, client demands, and the quest for perfection can lead to burnout. The result? Your once-passionate pursuit becomes a grind, and the creative spark you once thrived on starts to fizzle. So how do you keep the passion alive and continue designing at the highest level?

Here are three practical, non-cliché tips to help you avoid burnout and stay inspired in your design journey:

1. Embrace “Creative Sabbaticals” for Rejuvenation

Avoiding Burnout and Staying Fresh: How to Thrive as an Interior Designer for the Long Haul

Designers often feel guilty for stepping away from their work, but short, purposeful breaks can be the key to long-term success. A "creative sabbatical" isn't a vacation; it's an intentional period away from client projects to explore new trends, materials, or even different cultures. Take a week to immerse yourself in a new art form, attend a design show you've never been to, or visit a city that inspires you. These sabbaticals refresh your design vision, prevent burnout, and infuse your projects with a fresh perspective.

2. Lean on Your Team and Delegate Strategically

Even if your firm is small, strategic delegation is vital for preventing burnout. Too often, designers feel the need to control every aspect of a project, but the truth is, your team can help you stay creative by handling operational tasks. Delegating areas like procurement, admin, or even social media frees up your mental space to focus on what truly lights you up—designing. And don’t just delegate to lighten your load; delegate to grow your team’s strengths and keep them engaged and motivated.

3. Incorporate Reflection into Your Routine

Reflection is often overlooked but essential for longevity. Set aside time each month to reflect on your design journey. What projects made you feel most alive? Which ones drained you? What processes worked, and which ones added unnecessary stress? Reflection helps you course-correct in real-time and adjust your workload to align with what you love. This practice keeps you grounded and prevents burnout by making sure you’re continually evolving your business around your strengths, rather than getting bogged down by things that no longer serve you.

Avoiding Burnout and Staying Fresh: How to Thrive as an Interior Designer for the Long Haul

And to make this process even easier, we’ve created a reflective journal designed specifically for interior designers, available now in our studio. It's as visually exciting as it is helpful, giving you a space to reflect on your creative journey while staying inspired and organized.

Ready to Keep Your Team Inspired?

Burnout doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of your design journey. Whether you're looking to rejuvenate your creativity or inspire your team to stay engaged, a fresh perspective is often all it takes. Book a strategy session today, and let’s talk through how to keep your team invigorated for the long run. For more insights, check out the latest episode of Success by Design with Jennifer Bertrand, where we dive deep into maintaining creative energy throughout your career.

Connect with us on LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on tips for keeping your design firm thriving for years to come!

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