Meet Katie, a dynamic PODCAST host and successful entrepreneur.

Former news anchor turned leader of a multimillion-dollar design firm, Katie's passion lies in uncovering brilliance and sharing design and business secrets. Her insatiable curiosity, honed in the media spotlight, fuels enlightening conversations on her podcast, offering a platform for wisdom-seeking design enthusiasts and aspiring entrepreneurs.

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Networking Tips for Interior Designers with LuAnn Nigara

May 24, 202440 min read

Looking for networking tips for those interior design events coming up? Whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, existing design firm, or newer to the industry—there’s always something we can do to get more out of our networking efforts. By the way… networking doesn’t need to be intimidating—especially when you’re armed with the tips and tools LuAnn Nigara shares with us in this episode!

LuAnn is one of the most connected women in the design industry. She joins us to discuss everything from the #1 question to ask that ensures an instant connection to mistakes she sees people make at networking events. You’re gonna want to grab your notebook for this one and… probably listen to it more than once! LuAnn and her delightful Jersey personality are dishing exactly how to navigate virtual and in-person networking opportunities in 2024 and beyond. Be sure to stick around for this week’s Coaching Corner at the end of the episode! Alright, let’s get to the conversation!


In this episode, we cover:

  • How to handle the intimidation factor that comes with networking as a designer

  • The #1 question to ask at an event to build connections

  • How the impact of conversations you have at networking events are for others—not always you

  • One moving conversation Megan Molten had that LuAnn got to witness at an event

  • The power of listening at networking events (virtual or in-person)

  • How to participate in organizations for interior designers and get the most out of it

  • Mistakes people make at networking events

  • How to effectively use social media marketing as an interior designer

Join the conversation and share how networking has or has not worked out for you and your firm. Find LuAnn and I on all the socials and say hi!More about Guest Name

More About LuAnn Nigara

LuAnn is a celebrated media personality, energetic keynote speaker, and seasoned entrepreneur—with key roles in the partnership team behind both Window Works and Exciting Windows! Known for her dynamic and energetic presentations, LuAnn has been recognized as the “go-to” keynote speaker for leaders and entrepreneurs to launch their life and get out of their own way. Now, in her third business launch, LuAnn Nigara Inc., she provides resources for creative entrepreneurs through live events, LuAnn University, and 1:1 coaching. LuAnn has published three books and has captured international attention for A Well-Designed Business®—a podcast with more than 1,000 episodes and over 8 million downloads! Her newest podcast—Window Treatments for Profit—focuses specifically on the business of custom window treatments.

Links and Mentioned Resources

The Studio

Coaching Strategy Session

Michelle Lynne Pant’s episode

Connect with LuAnn Nigara


Window Treatments for Profits

A Well-Designed Business


This episode is brought to you by Nello Marelli

Struggling to stay ahead with the ever-evolving design trends while running your business? Discover the secret weapon of the design world - the 2025 Nel Colore Color Trend Book. Crafted by the renowned Italian designer Nello Morelli, whose expertise guides luxury brands from Milan to Paris, this tool is now stateside with our partnership. Get exclusive access to future color trends, combinations, and sociological insights up to two years in advance, ensuring your designs stand out. Elevate your projects and leave the trend-watching to us. Find the Nel Colore Color Trend Book, along with a mini version, exclusively in The Studio. 

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Welcome to “Colorful Conversations with Katie”! Join us for a vibrant webcast where we seamlessly blend the realms of design and business in a fun and professional setting. Available on YouTube or any of your favorite podcast platforms!

Hosted by the dynamic Katie, a seasoned expert with nearly 20 years of experience in both fields, this engaging series promises to ignite your creative spark and sharpen your entrepreneurial acumen. From exploring the latest design trends to uncovering strategies for building successful ventures, we dive deep into the colorful world where aesthetics meet profitability.

Whether you’re a budding designer or a savvy entrepreneur, this webcast is your go-to source for inspiration, insights, and a dash of lively conversation. Tune in and let your imagination, business and life take flight!

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This episode of Colorful Conversations with Katie is brought to you in partnership with Leah Bryant Co.

The unedited podcast transcript for this episode of the Colorful Conversations with Katie podcast follows

Katie (00:02.612)

Luann, welcome to the show!

LuAnn (00:04.946)

Hey, Katie, how are you? So happy to be here with you.

Katie (00:08.072)

Oh my gosh, I feel like it's the first day of school and I'm a little kid in kindergarten. I'm like, Luanne's coming on the show. Luanne's coming on the show. This is so exciting because anyone who's been in design for any length of time and has looked to the experts and the leaders and the people having the conversation in the industry are like, we don't even like talk about the negara part anymore. It's like, well, you Luanne, you know, Luanne.

We're on a first name basis with Louanne, whether you have ever even met her or not. And well, there's a lot about your personality because you're so kind to everyone you meet. And that's why we're so excited that you're here.

LuAnn (00:39.978)

Well, I'm really happy to be here. I don't often get to be on other people's podcasts, so this is super exciting.

Katie (00:46.72)

A role reversal. We feel the exact same way. And well, and it was funny how we ended up having the conversation. We were talking obviously before we came on about just the power of hiring people smarter than you finding the best people standing on their shoulders. You find the best, best people. And really I want to hone in on networking for this conversation and those industry. Networking is such a huge thing in any industry, but I feel like especially in ours, especially after COVID, cause sometimes people don't want to come out of their shell. Um, but like it's so critical.

LuAnn (01:05.255)

Okay, okay.

LuAnn (01:14.251)


Katie (01:16.654)

important. Like when you look back at your career, was there one moment where you met someone or you had a moment where you went, oh, I'm so glad I showed up to this event. I didn't want to come, but it was a game changer and it just like turned window works or your podcast or whatnot on its heels.

LuAnn (01:28.235)

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

LuAnn (01:32.414)

Yeah, I have to say there's been dozens of moments like that. Absolutely. Whether it was meeting a potential client that turned into be a Lifeline four decade client doing their house, their kid's house, and their grandkids house, because you, as you said, showed up for an event. I can also remember one time showing up at an event in the early days, and there was a Hunter Douglas VP there. And we.

Katie (01:58.213)


LuAnn (01:59.414)

We hit it off and for whatever reason throughout the years, he would just reach out every once, every 18 months or something. And I can, one of the significant things I can remember him reaching out, gosh, what would it have been? What year? I mean, when I think about it, my daughter graduated college in 2007. So she, I mean high school. So she was probably in high school or middle school, maybe middle school. And I remember him saying, are you guys building an email list? And I was like, what is an email list? And why do I need it?

Katie (02:14.16)

Thanks for watching!

Katie (02:28.28)


LuAnn (02:29.662)

And you're talking about like 2002, 2005. You know what I mean? And kind of, right? But I can just remember him saying, this is going to be a valuable component of marketing down the line. And he said, ultimately, when you and Vin want to sell the business, now it turned out we sold it to our daughter and our son-in-law. So it didn't matter. But if we were going to a stranger,

Katie (02:34.22)

Which feels like yesterday for so many of us. Yeah, a little bit. Yep.

LuAnn (02:57.614)

And we started with zero. And he would call every six, eight months. He'd be like, how many on the email list now? And I'm like, 200. And he's like, OK, keep going. And then what do we have now? 10,000 on the email list. And that's still not a super huge email list. But it's not an influencer company either. It's a retail consumer company. No, no, no. But you're talking 20 years building it too. The thing is.

Katie (03:10.384)

It's amazing.

Katie (03:20.228)

That's not shabby. Let's be honest. I mean, that's insane. Sure.

LuAnn (03:27.45)

I did not understand the value of it into the future. And he, so that was just, there's been lots of moments to your point, Katie, that you showed up at something, you met somebody, and they just kind of turned a trajectory in a way you looked at things or introduced you to another person, and the next thing you know, you had an opportunity or something happened. It's, you have to put yourself out there. You have to be willing.

Katie (03:32.665)


LuAnn (03:55.554)

to go and make the relationships, I think, is the point, you know?

Katie (03:59.328)

Well, and you hit on what I love in that story is the kindness he showed you. The fact that he didn't just say, Oh, you should build an email list. He followed up with you and tracked you down. How's that email is coming? Like we all need people like that in our lives. And that's like so incredibly kind. You also alluded to the intimidation factor that sometimes comes with networking. It's like, Oh, I don't want to go and put myself out there. It's like dating, right? Like fear of rejection. How.

LuAnn (04:03.188)


LuAnn (04:09.281)


It's so true.

LuAnn (04:23.109)


Katie (04:25.876)

you tell a young designer or someone's just starting their firm, it's okay to feel that way. Or as I tell my kids, it's okay to be scared. Do it anyway. Do it scared.

LuAnn (04:34.194)

Yes, yes, I agree. And the thing is, what's funny is, we often consider the introverted person and how it's hard to show up in a room of people you don't know and suffer over small talk. I mean, I get it, right? Right?

Katie (04:50.328)

Suffer's the perfect word.

LuAnn (04:53.718)

But the thing is, you know, I'm extroverted, as extroverted as they come. And I'm not running off with bells and whistles either to get there, you know what I mean? The only difference is once I'm there, I'm plugged in, I'm gonna go. You know what I'm saying? But yeah, and I think for me, what I've learned is, I don't go and do small talk. Like if you meet me at an event and you say, hi, oh Luanne, I listened to your show and this and that, and I took your Luanne University class.

Katie (05:06.942)

Might as well make the most of it. Yeah. Ahem.

LuAnn (05:22.342)

I'm gonna look at you and I'm gonna say, tell me your name. Then I'm gonna pull your badge and I'm gonna look and go, oh, you're in Colorado. And then I'm gonna say your name again. And then I'm gonna say, tell me about your business. How many years are you in business? Do you pay yourself? You know, what's your biggest challenge? Like, and then what happens is when I see you again, I'll be like, oh my goodness, we met at the Schwartz Design Showroom in Connecticut. You were like, you had two babies and you were struggling because you were trying to decide if you should hire an assistant. Like,

That's the thing. If you go and just do small talk, yeah, it sucks. It does. You know, but you're in charge of making it more meaningful. That's up to you.

Katie (05:58.463)

I'm ready.

Katie (06:03.972)

I absolutely love that because you're walking away not only with key data points, but memorable data points. It actually turns into something that you have a long-term relationship, you can base it on.

LuAnn (06:11.85)

It's joyful then, it's actually fun and you met somebody, you know?

Katie (06:15.968)

Well, and I think, too, a lot of times you go to those events and you end up talking to someone and you're like, this has nothing to do with why I'm here. You're not the person I'm supposed to be talking to. Why am I talking to you? And now, fast forward to like middle age, I'm like, you're here for a reason. Somehow I was supposed to talk to you and I have to just figure out why now. And it usually pops up in the most random places or times that you're like, who would have ever thought?

LuAnn (06:33.826)

Yes. Yeah.

Katie (06:42.788)

they're the best leads or they know someone or it always shocks me just the power of talking to people.

LuAnn (06:44.139)


LuAnn (06:50.226)

Mm-hmm. And the thing is, what I've learned is if you go in with an open heart and you realize that sometimes you're sent in the path of that person. Not every interaction is gonna be what you're gonna get out of it. Sometimes you're meant to say the one thing that changed their mind. You're having a regular conversation. You're not necessarily saying anything earth-shattering. You're just...

Katie (06:56.781)


Katie (07:02.137)


Katie (07:06.476)


LuAnn (07:18.626)

The thing, it's so funny. Can I tell you a story that happened? Okay. So we had our Power Talk Friday event at High Point in October of 2022. And this is on my docuseries, this actual like this happening in real life. So you can go to our website, our YouTube or Instagram and find the docuseries, however you do those things. That's above my pay grade, right? Yeah, thank you. Thank you. But the thing is, now we all know who Meghan Molten is, right?

Katie (07:20.856)

Do it, please do.

Katie (07:29.817)


Katie (07:40.332)

Oh yeah, if you give it to us, we'll put it in the show notes because this is going to be great. Yeah.

LuAnn (07:47.746)

big star in the industry, right? Megan started listening to my podcast. She told it on the show when she was like a pharmaceutical rep, I think is what she was. She was an on the road rep and she would listen and listen and listen and finally she was like, I'm doing it. I'm leaving this industry. She sold her house, quit her boyfriend, moved to a different state and like opened up a design business, right? And so now that's like years ago. Now go to last October.

Katie (07:48.376)

For sure. Yep.

Katie (08:08.548)


LuAnn (08:13.142)

We were at Power Talk Friday, which is a one-day coaching event that I do for designers and window treatment professionals. We get together at 8.30 in the morning. We're there at 11 o'clock at night. And we stop the business at 5.30. We take a break. At 7 o'clock, we come back for celebration dinner. There were 24 designers at this event. And it's a lot. We're working hard. Our heads are down and blah, right? And when we come back for dinner, I ask every single person to take a moment to share with the group.

Katie (08:22.447)


LuAnn (08:42.794)

an aha moment or a moment of gratitude for something that they got during the day. And it could be anything. It could be anything, whatever feels, lets on your mind and your soul, right? So we've spent from 8.30 to 5.30 together. We've now had an hour of cocktail party together and now we're doing the aha gratitude moments. When it's, when, yeah. And when it's Megan's time to say her gratitude moment, her aha, she says,

Katie (09:03.34)

It's getting real.

LuAnn (09:11.626)

And she turns around and she looks at a woman that's sitting there at like two tables away. And she said, I have a moment of gratitude that I wanna share. She goes, you don't remember me. And she looks at this woman who's a designer in Connecticut, big business, but she's not a known name, not a Meghan Multon. And she looks at her and she said, you probably don't remember me. She said, but when I started my design business,

The first time I came to High Point, she goes, I was terrified. I didn't know anybody. I didn't know anything. And she said, and I happened to sit down next to you and the other designer starts screaming, oh my God, oh my God, was that you? And she's saying, I asked you a question and you took 20 minutes out of your life to just talk to me and tell me.

Katie (09:45.273)


LuAnn (10:08.802)

that I could do it, that I deserve to be a designer, that I had a reason for doing this, and to just keep working, that it wouldn't always feel scary like this. And you're just like, it was the most, and so that's when I say, maybe you're having a conversation that you're like, yeah, this isn't really, I'm not really learning anything, but the impact, and Megan said, do you know how many times when things got hard?

Katie (10:23.951)


LuAnn (10:35.286)

that I thought back to that conversation with you and there you were, a seasoned 15 year, 20 year designer telling me, I belong here. Don't feel like I don't. Don't feel imposter syndrome. You have a business, you have a right to be here. And so that's the thing. You don't know the impact you're having.

Katie (10:52.344)

That is.

That is beyond breathtaking. And just the fact that it was so memorable that many years later changed the entire trajectory.

LuAnn (11:02.542)

It was crazy, it was like five years ago. And here, the other designer, Michelle Harris, who's an outstanding business lady, rock star, multiple billion dollar business, you know, spent the entire day and never connected that Meghan Molton was this little girl five years before that she was like, you know, helping her and building her up and giving her a high five. You got this Kit DeLuca, you can do it.

Katie (11:26.948)

I love that because I also think it speaks to our industry and that people find the good people. If you haven't found the good people, there's always a couple bad apples in every bunch, let it go. Like you said, move on. Because I think 95% of our industry is filled with amazing humans that want to show up and help. They're good eggs. They wanna show up and they wanna help other people and they really do care. That's such an interesting perspective on networking. Flip it the other way too of like, what can you give?

LuAnn (11:30.446)


LuAnn (11:39.032)

That's it.

LuAnn (11:50.768)


Katie (11:56.6)

in a networking and sometimes it's not even what you say. Sometimes it's just listening, not even saying two words. Some of the best clients we have got when I really haven't always been truthfully fully engaged, right? I'm just sitting there and I'm like, I'm not gonna try to sell you on really anything. We're just gonna kind of sit here and I'm like, tell me how's it going? How's business? What challenges are you facing? Like best conversation. I'm like, I have no idea how because all I did was listen to you. Right.

LuAnn (12:00.322)

That's right, 100%.

LuAnn (12:17.548)


That's it. That's it. Because I was exhausted and tired and trying to stay there. Yeah.

Katie (12:25.476)

and just listening and you thought that was the most remarkable thing in the entire world. When it comes to networking for designers specifically for interior design, what do you see as being the most powerful tools? Because there's a kajillion of them, especially after COVID, we've got all the technological tools. What do you think has the greatest ROI for especially beginning designers, those starting their firm? Where would you say start here? It's going to pay you the highest dividends. Where do you dig your trenches, so to speak?

LuAnn (12:29.9)


LuAnn (12:54.146)

I mean, look, any opportunity you can take to be in person, so whether it's attending a Power Talk Friday, if it's attending IDS conference or your local ASID chapter, it's the easiest way to, in a non-aggressive, non-confrontational, like non-pressure way,

Katie (13:16.708)


LuAnn (13:19.542)

Like if you join IDS or ASID or WCAA, the Window-Covering Association of America, and you just become an active participant, and there's no expectation on you. You're donating your time and your energy and your superpowers to the better of the whole group. And what happens is, you know, like feathers, we'll find each other. Like, you know what I mean? Like the kind of person that you gel with will gravitate to you. And then beyond that,

You know, when you're ready for coaching, right? And when I say ready, like, the day you open a business, you're ready for coaching. It's just a matter of if you have the mindset to invest in yourself. Do you believe you're worth it? Because day one, you're ready. I have a lot of people that say to me.

Katie (13:50.39)


Katie (14:03.46)


LuAnn (14:04.726)

Oh, when should I, should I wait till my business two years or four years? And I'm like, I don't know. Did you stick your kid on the baseball field with a bat with no coach, no team, no players and say, well, if the two years of trying it every which way yourself, then we'll come out and show you really how to play Billy. I mean, it's like insanity. Like, it's like insane, but no, let's put our mortgage on the line. Let's put our business on the line. Let's quit our full time job and let's just see if it works out for us. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like it's insane.

Katie (14:22.028)

That's such a great analogy.

LuAnn (14:34.166)

So, but there's a lot of times whether it's with Michelle Lin or it's Nancy Ganskaufer or it's Michelle Williams or Tracy Connell or any of these women, a lot of times their coaching has the group component. And so you are meeting by Zoom, but you're still feeling each other out and meeting each other. And then a lot of them, Sandra Funk also, will have the meetups at High Point or a lot of these coaches will have their own retreats with their own groups. So...

Katie (14:34.531)


Katie (14:47.491)


Katie (14:57.697)


LuAnn (15:03.602)

I mean, I just, however you get there, get there. That's all I'm saying.

Katie (15:07.296)

Isn't it the truth? Well, it goes back. There's a whole industry waiting to embrace you. It's just, do you want to be embraced? Do you want to show up for it? Because it will happen. And I think you hit on a key nugget, too, of just go to ASID, IDS. Get on a committee. I mean, I hate to say that it's kind of like dating, but it really is. Get running and see who shows up next to you. Right?

LuAnn (15:23.331)


LuAnn (15:30.322)

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the thing is, it's the same as that networking philosophy. Like, I'm not worried. Don't go in focused on what I'm going to get out of it. Just go in and focus and be a real human. Share, ask questions, genuinely show interest in somebody. And sometimes you get the aha moment, and sometimes you give the aha moment, right? But it's the same with the organizations. It's, yes, we understand the big why. Is I'm joining.

Katie (15:39.551)


Katie (15:50.568)


LuAnn (15:57.382)

so that I can better myself and my business. But the day-to-day boots on the ground is, what can I do to better this organization? Because when you go to it with that frame of mind and you're not tracking tally, oh, that's two meetings and no friends yet, that's three meetings and no referrals yet. Well then, I mean, if you're gonna keep score, like, I don't know, join a basketball team, don't open a business, I don't know what to tell you. Ha ha ha.

Katie (16:21.944)

I so agree because that's just focusing on the tangibles. The reality is we're 70% water, or I love your term, guard variety human beings. Everyone just wants to feel seen, safe, heard, and cared about. Just show up and be kind. Sometimes I feel like we make it very complicated networking. It's this here's 101 best ways, and there's so many books written about it. And where do you go? And it's just like, hi. Look me in the whites of my eyes and be like, hi, how sincerely are you?

LuAnn (16:49.006)

Mm-hmm. Yeah. Right.

Katie (16:49.808)

how really is your business going? And this is a safe place to say, it is sucking. 2024 has been a horrible year or we're killing it and I don't even know how to keep up, you know?

LuAnn (17:01.238)

Right, right. And the other thing too is, I mean, we say it all the time, but it is so true. The other person is not thinking about you and judging you. They're too worried about judging themselves. Like, I mean, honestly, when you walk up to somebody, like...

Katie (17:09.017)


Katie (17:17.648)

That's a great tip.

LuAnn (17:22.074)

I get it, especially if you don't know anybody, you lean towards introversion, and you feel uncomfortable and awkward walking up and saying hi. But when's the last time you went to a networking event and someone came up and said hello to you, and you were like, are you kidding me right now? You actually, what's going on in your brain? I mean, we're not sitting at home in our living room and somebody knocking on the door going, let's talk.

You know what I'm saying? So like be the one to say, hey, I don't know anybody here, do you? Like it's like, it's you're the lifesaver now.

Katie (17:56.861)


Yeah, all of a sudden you're showing up for them. You're thinking how you can put them at ease and how, yeah, that's a great, that's a beautiful, beautiful tip. Yeah.

LuAnn (18:07.118)

I mean, literally, they're gonna look at you and go, don't talk to me, I'm here to be in this room with a thousand people by myself.

Katie (18:14.886)

Wrong day, wrong life decision for you.

LuAnn (18:16.83)

Yeah, I was sure hoping that I would stand in this corner all by myself. Thanks, sorry, go away. No, you're nervous and you feel uncomfortable being alone. Then look at somebody, meet eyes, smile. Say, hey, I'm from Jersey, where are you from? You know what I'm saying?

Katie (18:21.766)


Katie (18:32.952)

By the way, I have to tell you, I am getting a very soft spot in my heart for Jersey. My kids have a new head of school who's from Jersey. I am so in love with the Jersey personality right now. It is large. It is in charge. It is direct. And it is unapologetic. And I am here for every single part of it. I am loving it, which I am so there for. I'm like, don't underestimate the size of New Jersey or the people that live in it, folks. You're just going to lose. I'm just going to tell you.

LuAnn (18:49.349)


We get stuff done, Katie, that's all I can tell ya.

LuAnn (19:02.12)

This is true.

Katie (19:03.62)

flipping it around, what mistakes do you feel like people make when it does come to networking besides thinking about themselves and what they're going to get out of it. And as you said, keeping score, go play a sport. What else do you see that a lot of people miss when it comes to networking? You're like, oh, we were so close and we just missed it.

LuAnn (19:14.391)


LuAnn (19:21.65)

Yeah, I mean, beyond those, right? Underestimating the other person could use you that day and not getting focused in your head is, you know, all of that, that's all the boots on the ground networking, right? Then the next mistake that we can make is not following up, not keeping the relationship going, not, you know, checking back in. Like if you did meet somebody and, you know, they were having a pain point that they were telling you about, like check in with them, text, DM.

Katie (19:24.132)


Katie (19:33.358)


Katie (19:38.306)



LuAnn (19:50.33)

email a couple weeks later, how you doing? Thinking about you, you know what I mean? Or, you know, they said that they might have an opportunity for you. Well, you know, follow up. Is there an opportunity there? Or, how about if you met somebody and you hit it off with them, and now, like that was in K-Biz, like in February, and you're going to High Point, how about you just text them, or email them, or DM them and say, are you going to High Point? Like...

Katie (19:53.839)


LuAnn (20:16.662)

That was fun, you know, talking with you, maybe we can meet up at High Point. Like, it's now taking the relationship to the next level. If there's synergy with the two of you, like you don't, listen, we're humans, we're not gonna get along with everybody. There's some people who are gonna be at a networking party and we're just like, sweet Jesus, I hope you're getting what you need from this because I don't ever wanna have to have this conversation again. Like, I get it. Ha ha ha.

Katie (20:21.092)


Katie (20:27.395)


Katie (20:39.536)

I've never felt that way, Luanne, ever. I've never had that feeling. Totally.

LuAnn (20:42.41)

You know, there's just some people you don't gel with, right? I'm sure. When I go like and meet people in real life, they're like, oh my god, she's so extra. Like, no. You know what I mean? Like, no, let's just go back to listening to her on the podcast. Real life is just too intense. Right? So, you know, so my thing is I'm not saying for something that's not there. I'm not saying for, cause, cause that's silliness, right? If you didn't feel that jive, that connection.

Katie (20:55.924)

No, they just haven't fallen in love with Jersey yet. It'll happen. Ha ha ha.

Katie (21:05.028)


Katie (21:08.921)


LuAnn (21:11.542)

But when you have, don't underestimate that it does need to be nurtured, that you have to reach out and, hey, I thought of an opportunity that might be good, or I saw this Zoom, it's a free Zoom, My Doma Studio's giving a free Zoom, and they're gonna have XYZ business coach there. This is the topic you were telling me that you were trying to solve. Boom. Here's, you know what I mean?

Katie (21:12.108)


Katie (21:15.628)

Hmm. Yup, yup.

Katie (21:32.856)

Yep, yep. Yeah, I totally do. I think it's a brilliant, and just also it comes back to that general sense of care. When you are caring for someone and you actually care about who they are, those things will intuitively come to you.

LuAnn (21:40.268)


Katie (21:46.38)

In middle age, they come to me at about 2 AM during my middle of the night insomnia, which happens regularly. And then I have brilliant brain storms. But the reality is that it's floating through your brain because you actually did have that connection with someone. And you actually do care. And you do want them to succeed, which is a huge, huge thing. Talk to me about social media and networking. I love what you've said about in-person. Is social media authentic? Can you authentically network? I know. I'm glad to see you just kind of roll your eyes and shrug your shoulders. And for any of you who are listening

LuAnn (21:48.51)


LuAnn (21:56.992)

Yeah, yeah.


LuAnn (22:15.518)

No word.

Katie (22:16.654)

and snort and just be like, yeah, whatever. War of 1812 called, it wants the social media back because it doesn't really work. I mean, that's kind of like, well, it's nice to see you react that way because sometimes I feel that way. I'm like, it's cute and it's kitschy, but are we really making a connection? I mean, yeah.

LuAnn (22:33.746)

You know, what I know is, my own personal biases aside, I do know that if it feels like, if it's comfortable for you and it's a platform that you like to spend time on, I do know, like, you know, there's a designer thread that I'm in on Instagram. Now, they...

Katie (22:39.833)


Katie (22:56.014)


LuAnn (22:57.294)

put me in it, I don't know, after one of our events or something, and so they asked me, would I be in it? And it's all women that I love, and so of course I said yes, but like 98% of it is, I can't find the sofa, I don't know where that is, you know, blah, blah. And of course, it's a tremendous support for each other, but I'm not in the weeds on it. And my thing is, it's not my place to go connect. So what I'm saying to you, Katie, is I would not discount it.

Katie (23:04.548)

For sure.

Katie (23:14.753)


Katie (23:21.528)


LuAnn (23:25.746)

as a valuable place because I have watched these women, this particular group of women, support each other in this group thread. You know, a client is like driving one of them to drink and the others will rally, give them ideas, how to support, you know, what to do, and you know, sometimes just say, man, you know, that stinks, right? So, right, it's not my preferred platform. You know, I get annoyed actually when...

Katie (23:35.318)


Katie (23:44.961)

It sucks, yeah.

Katie (23:49.284)


LuAnn (23:53.366)

People, this is my pet peeve on Instagram. Here it is. Oh, this looks great what you're doing. I love your podcast, it's so good. I have a great idea for a show. Would you like to hear it? Yes.

Katie (23:56.717)

Let's hear it.

LuAnn (24:07.706)

on my website where it says, submit to be on podcast. That's where I'd like to hear it. That's exactly where I'd like to hear it. That's why I built it. That's why the form is there. That's why the process is there. That's exactly right. But you know, it's never a designer. It's always a PR rep for a designer or some blasted other thing. You know what I'm saying? And so it's just, or 90...

Katie (24:25.824)

I do. I do. And if you were really watching the show, you would know that I have a form on my website because you would have been to my website. Yes.

LuAnn (24:30.594)

Right, right. Exactly. Or there's 9,000 rug people that are like, see that you're a beautiful designer, like we have a rug line. I'm like, hmm, but actually I'm not a beautiful designer. I'm not any of those things and I don't want a rug line. Yeah. So, so my thing is, is the contrast what I'm saying is this particular group of women are truly using this.

Katie (24:46.628)

Just roll up my body in the rug and throw it in the river. I do not want a rug line.

Katie (24:57.134)


LuAnn (25:00.126)

as a valuable means of support for themselves. The same in the designer Facebook groups. But when it's bull crap in plain English, when you're coming into my DM in a bull crap, inauthentic, disingenuine way, and you think just because it's a private message, I'm going down the rabbit hole with you, you're out of your mind. No. Yeah.

Katie (25:21.196)

I totally agree with you. Well, and I think it'd be interesting too, focusing on this group and Instagram, how many of them had preexisting relationships and then got on DM for expediency? Kind of like a Marco Polo situation, right?

LuAnn (25:31.306)

Yes, yes, yes. In other words, I believe they all met at Luann Live 2019 and 2021, and then they were like, let's keep it going. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.

Katie (25:34.866)


Katie (25:39.752)

Exactly. I think that's like the most valuable thing. I'm glad to hear that. Like, I think it can, it can feed the beast, so to speak, but you got to start with the core ingredients, which is pressing the flush, breaking bread, looking in the whites of each other's eyes and being like, how can I help you? Like, how can we do this better together?

LuAnn (25:56.458)

Well, and I will also tell you, and I will also tell you, like I just had an incidence, I was in Dallas for the last 12 days for three different events, a Power Talk Friday, the International Window Covering Expo, and my exciting Windows Conference, right? So I was there from the 4th to the 15th of April. And...

Katie (26:01.839)


Katie (26:11.873)


I hope you rented a house.

LuAnn (26:16.35)

No, right? But the thing is, when you say it, I does not have to start with in person, because when an individual designer comes into my DM and is a human, you see, this is the criteria for me. You are an actual human with a genuine need or request to connect with.

Katie (26:30.765)


LuAnn (26:38.23)

You know, you wanna be on my show, follow the process. I mean, come on, right? You wanna advertise to me, follow the process. But I will get DMs from designers that will say, hey, I just listened to that podcast episode today, that was so me, that pain point, blah, blah. Thank you, you spoke to me, right? So take this fast forward. I'm at the booth at the trade show last week and this young woman walks up to me and she's like, my name's Amanda, and she said,

Katie (26:39.238)


Katie (26:52.688)


LuAnn (27:07.038)

We were just in DM and I told you I was coming to Dallas and you said to introduce myself to you, here I am. And Amanda and I have been going back on DM maybe two or three times, but since 2016. And so, and we've never met. And so now we have 20 minutes, hey, how are you? And now I say to her, stay in touch with me. You know what I mean? So I think the criteria isn't so much the platform, it's the same as networking.

Katie (27:15.165)


Katie (27:22.049)

Oh wow.

Katie (27:29.588)


Katie (27:34.819)


LuAnn (27:36.982)

Are you showing up to get something or are you showing up to give something?

Katie (27:41.164)

Yeah, no, I think that's so well said. That's like the nugget right there. I think when you approach it that way, be the problem solver. And sometimes it's not just tangible problems. It's the person who's just scared to be there. Like, I don't know. I love your line. I don't know anybody in here, do you? I mean, who isn't going to be able to relate to that in a networking event, right?

LuAnn (27:55.003)


LuAnn (27:58.77)

Right. And if you, like for instance, example, if you're, if you don't know who I am, and you were to do that line to me, and you were to say, this is crazy. I'm at this event I've never been to this event where I don't know anybody do you, I'm going to turn around and look at you and go, Oh, I know practically everybody. Where are you located? What kind of business model do you have? Who do you need? What do you want? And then I'm going to scan the room for eyeballs. And I'm going to bring you to somebody. I'm going to like, this is how

Sarah Brennan and Natasha Jones became designer besties for the last six years and side by side leaned on each other and built their business together. Cause I was like, you come with me and you come with me. You two are both in business. Six months, you can help each other. You're in Wisconsin, you're in North Carolina. You are now friends. Go forth and do it.

Katie (28:36.848)

That's awesome.

Katie (28:44.768)

So about that pre-arranged wedding thing, nope, we're just doing pre-arranged firms. Like these are your people. You don't know you're each other's people yet, but you're each other's people and you're going to love life together. But look at the powerhouse synergy that's come out of that. And you know what I love about that? Because you won't point it out, but I will, that you took the time to see each of them for who they were and not just what they were doing, but who they were as people and those intangibles. And then you noted it.

LuAnn (28:53.102)

That's it!

LuAnn (28:58.633)


LuAnn (29:08.61)


Katie (29:11.82)

You perseverated on it. They show up in the same room and you're like, hey, I got somebody for you. You should chat. I think that's so cool. That's a beyond amazing.

LuAnn (29:16.67)

Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, it is, I love connecting people. I just had another designer that I met like, oh my God, like four or five years ago in Boston, or Maine it was. Portland, is Portland in Maine? Yeah, Portland. And yeah, right? And I hadn't seen her in a long time and she reached out like a month ago and she's like, I'm actually going to High Point for the first time. Are you gonna be there?

Katie (29:28.698)


Katie (29:33.24)

Yeah, if you're not on the other coast, yeah. Ha ha ha.

LuAnn (29:44.958)

And of course, this past April 2024 was the first high point other than COVID that I hadn't been to in eight years because I was locked in Dallas. And I said to her, you've never been. And she said, no, I said, do you have a plan? Like we're texting. I'm like, do you have a plan? Do you have a bestie? Do you have a this? She's like, well, I have one person I'm going to hang out. I'm like, no, I got to get your people. I got to get your people. You know what I mean? So now I'm like texting different people. Yeah. You know, and I'm texting different people. And my matter of fact, Natasha Jones was my first choice.

Katie (29:57.589)

Oh, you got to have a plan. Yeah.

Katie (30:06.468)

We're going to build a sorority for you.

LuAnn (30:14.698)

And what was interesting was Natasha wasn't going. And so then I saw Sarah in Dallas. And Sarah's like, tell her me. I'm like, you're too busy and high point. I need somebody that can do it with her. You send your team out on a mission. I'm like, no. And then she suggested somebody to me. I said, but who am I going to put her with? I need somebody good. And to me, I'm looking like the synergy of the personality, the kind of person. Because if it's too quiet people,

Katie (30:26.214)


LuAnn (30:44.394)

you know, I got the world by the bulls people like, you know what I'm saying? And so, yeah, and like, I want them to have some synergy. And so, Sarah made a good recommendation. I reached out, you know, Katie was like, I'm going. I'm like, great. Here you are. That's it. That's it.

Katie (30:48.352)

I so do. Yeah.

Katie (30:59.692)

And another match made in heaven. That needs to be your whole new second docuseries, finding your perfect business partner. Because it's so valuable. It really is to have somebody that you can run side by side with, especially when you're on opposite coasts, you're in opposite markets, you're not competing against each other. Why not get after it? What is the one thing we're missing on this topic that you feel most often goes overlooked, that you're like, this is the one nugget that

LuAnn (31:05.186)


LuAnn (31:14.782)

Yes. No. Yeah.

Katie (31:26.06)

we haven't hit on. I just want to, and if we, if we hit them all, awesome. I just want to give you an opportunity.

LuAnn (31:30.102)

I mean, we have hit a lot of them, right? I think the thing that I would say is, do not underestimate the power of the relationships to move the needle forward in your business. You know, do not underestimate that you will look back five, 10, 20, 30 years in business, and you will mark the moments, as you first started the podcast with Katie, of...

Can you look back and mark the moments when meeting something was a pivotal thing? And it, look, we're a world of humans. What, you think the pivotal thing is reading something in AD for your business? I'm sorry, it's not. Like, it's not. It's a moment of inspiration. It's a moment of I'm a designer too, this is my profession, I'm so proud of this. But the needle moving stuff is the relationships that you build above you.

Katie (32:15.236)


Katie (32:19.149)


LuAnn (32:25.886)

at peer level and below you. You need to get from people ahead of you. You need to collaborate with people at your level to like, you know, figure out the waters that you're in. And you need to give to the people coming up behind you. And when you are doing all of that on the daily, the, you know, the whole kumbaya thing is happening in a nice circle for you. And it's more joyful. It's more joyful.

Katie (32:39.897)

I love that.

Katie (32:48.998)

No, it totally is. Well, I think it is so much more fun because you're giving those people above you a chance to feel like they're nurturing. You're helping your peer group. And there's nothing better, which is why I love coaching and I love teaching and I love having this.

Webcast is to like also say to the people coming up like hey, here's how you can do it better You don't have to make the mistakes I did don't do that. Like there's a better way I'll save you the effort now, right? Like that's the most beautiful gift. I think to give anyone I would have killed for this like we were talking about before we came on air that you know, 20 years ago There wasn't it was a pod what no one knew what podcasting was or webcast. It was like the YouTube's like nobody knew about that, right?

LuAnn (33:26.903)


Katie (33:29.164)

And so now there's all these resources and people who want to show up and help. But yeah, show up in person. Don't be afraid to do that. Or send the sincere DM so that you can show that you're a garden variety human, just like all the rest of us. I love it. Luanne, great conversation. Thank you so much for your time. You're a treasure. Thank you from the bottom of our heart. All right, bye bye.

LuAnn (33:38.578)

Yeah. Yes. Exactly.

LuAnn (33:46.204)

Thank you, sweetie. Appreciate it. Thank you. Bye.

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